
Who am I?

My Name is Tony Williams, I live with my wife and two young daughters at Guiscriff in Central Brittany. We chose the name 'Pour L'amour du Bois' as it seemed to sum up everything we do and hope to do.

My Story

After a carefree childhood on a Somerset Farm, I soon found a love for wood. It was all around me and used for everything, from the old piano to keeping warm in a draughty old farmhouse! I first learnt my skills at the tender age of 16 with 'Graham Collier Works In Wood', making bespoke kitchens, and furniture. Becoming self employed, I then went on to assist in the renovation on a 16th century court house in Martock, Somerset for a couple of years renovating wooden ceilings and panelled walls. When this was completed I furthered my skills working for Wessex Joinery, making and installing conservatories, which required a lot of travelling. To be nearer home I took a change in direction in a nearby factory. After a stressful management career, I found myself coming back to the thing that he had always enjoyed and started my own successful business, making furniture, painting and decorating, general home improvements and anything else that was required. After a family relocation to Devon, I completed 4 Barn conversions with my sister, completing every aspect of the conversion, from building to carpentry, plastering to plumbing.

After the final barn conversion it was time to live a long standing dream (which had been on the back burner for far too long) - to relocate to the middle of Brittany, which is where you will find me now, happy in my workshop.

I believe that everyone should be able to afford to buy something simple and lovingly made of real wood and therefore bespoke items can be bought at off the shelf prices.

Items can be ordered and made to size, or can be bought ready-made from my workshop or at the local markets I attend. When not at my workshop I can be found still utilising all the skills I have acquired in over 25 years, decorating, building or carpentering nearby for various clients.

Anything can be made to measure. From my photos you will see that I have made doors, toy boxes, shelves, wardrobes, cupboards, kitchens and many more things. I do carry a small stock of items but most can be made and delivered locally.